Helping You Maintain Healthy Eyes
There’s more to a child’s eye examination than checking for 20:20 vision.
Many vision problems begin at an early age, so it is important for children to receive proper eye care. In addition to looking for changes in the front of your child’s eye, which could affect overall vision, we also need to look at the retina (the back of the eye), to check that it is healthy and doesn’t show signs of damage or disease. Many conditions, such as retinal detachments and retinal holes can be treated successfully if caught early.
Your doctor offers optomap® to patients of all ages because an exam of the retina is an integral part of a comprehensive eye exam, regardless of how well you see. A majority of eye problems arise without a patient’s knowledge and an optomap® allows your doctor to get an ultra-widefield view of your child’s retina in a fast and comfortable way. Your doctor recommends an optomap® as an integral part of your child’s eye exam today. The optomap® provides your doctor with an overview of approximately 82% of your child’s retina in a single capture, giving your doctor a more detailed view than can be achieved by other means.
The optomap® was developed by Douglas Anderson whose son lost sight in one eye at the age of five due to an undetected retinal detachment. Mr. Anderson set out to develop a system that could capture an unprecedented view of the retina (200°) and was patient-friendly, particularly for children, who tend to be more difficult to examine.
PLEASE NOTE: Your doctor strongly believes an optomap® is an essential part of your child’s comprehensive eye exam. However, some health plans do not cover optomap®, which means that you may be responsible for an additional fee.
The optomap® Retinal Exam
- is fast, easy, and comfortable
- may alleviate the need for dilation
- provides a permanent record for annual review
Early detection could help save your vision or your life.
An optomap® Exam gives us a panoramic image of the surface of your retina.
These images help your doctor assess the health of your eyes and check for conditions including macular degeneration, glaucoma, and retinal detachments. These problems can threaten vision without warning or symptoms.
optomap® can also help your doctor detect serious health problems unrelated to the eye such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, some cancers, and auto-immune disorders.
The potential benefits of an optomap® exam are priceless.
Ask Indian Valley Eye Care for an optomap® today!
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